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Wellness Programs

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Mynoo CNG Blackbyrn, Vision Strategy

Founder & Principal

Mynoo has led a storied career, spanning several continents and a broad range of industries (among them IT, business incubation, motion picture production, and property development). As a successful serial entrepreneur, Mynoo is also a champion of entrepreneurship itself, having mentored and incubated thriving businesses at every stage of development. She founded Federation 100 and the world-famous Inspired Leaders Network, an exclusive community of some of the world’s most brilliant innovators, inventors, business leaders and gurus, such as Seth Godin, Jim Collins and Dame Anita Roddick. A Londoner from India, she has also produced 15 movies in Hollywood and Bollywood. In 2010 she took a sabbatical, and underwent a personal transformation. She created her own journey, which became a unique methodology and process to achieve sustainable well-being in all aspects of living, and began sharing her work first locally, then internationally. As both the muse and key driver of PoEM initiatives, she holds the vision and inspires the team across the world, integrating her business acumen with powerful intuitive guidance.

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